HS2 and 16 acre wood – nature is fighting back.

16 Acre wood, HS@ works, Berkswell, Sept 2024

Sixteen-acre ward has been a project that I started in March 2021, and I have visited the area at regular intervals since. The wood was in the news, when the initial plans for the HS2 line revealed that it would cut into the wood.  Therefore, trees were felled, and an old ancient pond was duplicated in a new location nearby.  This new pond has signage and chains to protect this nature venture.  Over the years, the landscape around the wood has changed drastically.  This is my fourth visit to the wood. As with the previous ones, I was interested to see if anything had changed since my visit last year.

16 Acre wood, HS@ works, Berkswell, Sept 2024
The new pond is covered with vegetation.
16 Acre wood, HS@ works, Berkswell, Sept 2024
No entry to the pond.

Fortunately, my drive to Berkswell village was not difficult as the HS2 works will close access to various roads around the area at a moment’s notice.  I parked my car near to St Mary’s Church, Berkswell, and walked along the boardwalk. There is a footpath that runs up the hill over a farmer’s field. This footpath meets up and follows the HS2 route I reached the part of the HS2 track which passes by Sixteen-acre wood and goes onto meet Kenilworth Rd.

16 Acre wood, HS@ works, Berkswell, Sept 2024
The landscape has really changed.
16 Acre wood, HS@ works, Berkswell, Sept 2024
Drainage and fences
16 Acre wood, HS@ works, Berkswell, Sept 2024
Not a place for swimming.

A year on and I noticed that the vegetation is starting to reclaim much of the area.   The new pond is thriving although it could do with some trees around the parameter.  Meanwhile the old pond has not given up and there is still life around an old tree has collapsed into the water. Walking down the designated footpath there is a sharp contrast.  On the left side beyond the steel fence the large land moving vehicles were resting as it was a Sunday, a day of rest.   The earth had been moved into heaps of brown soil and there were lines of plastic pipes lined up for draining the water.   On the right-hand side, the wood looked in a sorry state. Some of the vegetation is recovering but there are still scars around the knocked down trees.  Some of the trees looked like scarecrows contrasting against the bleak sky.   What did catch my eye was the number of butterflies and dragonflies that were present.  Nature is slowly attempting to get back to its feet after being interrupted by the HS2 works.   

16 Acre wood, HS@ works, Berkswell, Sept 2024
The old pond looks out at the new landscape.
16 Acre wood, HS@ works, Berkswell, Sept 2024
The trees look bare.

These pictures show the amount of construction that is happening as the pace of building is now moving quickly.   In the midst of this construction, there were some beautiful butterflies and I must have seen around 10 different types of insects.  There was a hoard of dragonflies that are living in the stagnant water created around the HS2 trenches.   Someone once told me not to worry about HS2 as everything will grow back once the viaducts that are planned are completed.   I wait to see if this will be true as the scars in the land look very deep.  I now have my 4th entry into my 16 acre wood project and I will return next year to  see what progress has happened and whether nature is coping with the changes forced on the landscape.

16 Acre wood, HS@ works, Berkswell, Sept 2024
HS2 construction is gathering pace.
16 Acre wood, HS@ works, Berkswell, Sept 2024
Earth moving equipment waiting for Monday morning.
16 Acre wood, HS@ works, Berkswell, Sept 2024
The stagnant water has encouraged the growth of the dragonfly population. The wood is to the left of the picture.

You may also like to see 16 Acre Wood in 2013.
My past entries of 16 Acre Wood show the ongoing changes and the blog posts are listed below.

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