Sixteen Acre Wood

Sixteen Acre Wood

A few weekends I took a walk along one of my favourite paths parking at Berkswell near the church and then walking out over the fields, accessing a boardwalk over the marsh.  Turning right there is a diagonal walk over the field which is a small hill.  This provides good views of the surrounding countryside.  At the end of the field the pathway moves upwards to eventually skirt along a small wood named “Sixteen Acre Wood”.    Several of the trees have been marked with red and blue paint.  There are two newly made artificial pools and the footpath is changed to be outside the wood.  Inside there is a pond that has many such marked trees around it.  There are also several notices strewn around the wood.  I read up about the area on the Internet and found the controversy around it. 

Sixteen Acre Wood
The trees are being felled in the wood

I have mixed feelings with HS2.  Generally I see it as a good idea, and it will generate lots of work for people.  We need high speed trains and having experienced travel by such trains in China, it is a much preferred form of transport.  It is only now that I am starting to see the construction up close.  First the NEC and now the area around it is changing fast.  There is a new bridge over the motorway and using the non-motorway route into Birmingham there is a great deal of work going on. 

Sixteen Acre Wood
Red flag marking out areas

HS2 will be taking place by what I have seen and I see both the good and the bad with it.  I hope that in 10 years if I am still around that I will be able to visit and see the place redeveloped to the better.  Meanwhile these pictures will serve as a record of the quiet before the storm. A new pond has been built and there are new trees planted around the area. Deep in the wood there trees have been cleared but new planting appears to be taking place.

Some more pictures of woods to take a look at
Bluebells in Austy Wood – It is nearly time for the Bluebells Hooray
Clowes Wood – You gathered I like woods and here is another blog for you to look at.

You want to know more about HS2 and Sixteen Acre Wood?
A tour of the HS2 route through Solihull and the sites that will change forever – Birmingham Live
Route passes to east and north-east of Hampton-in-Arden

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4 months ago

[…] The continuing story of HS2 and 16 Acre wood The damage to 16 acre wood Sixteen Acre Wood […]

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