The bluebell season is here and is earlier than normal. Usually the flowers are in full bloom around the May Bank holiday weekend. This year their arrival appears to be 1 to 2 weeks early. A blue carpet of bluebells is always stunning especially when set against the backdrop of the woodland. This year I went to Hay Wood as a fellow photographer had taken a picture of the blue carpets of flowers and the scene looked stunning.

Hay Wood is part of Forestry England and is a small wood which is near to Baddesley Clinton. The latter is an outstanding National Trust property which is always lovely to visit. We are fortunate to have Hay Wood nearby. The bluebells appear on specific patches to the east and west parts of the woodland. The easterly display was at its peak and even though I was there around midday, the light was wonderful. The new shoots of green leaves glistened in the sun and the bluebells contrasted against the trees rising upwards.

The bluebells to the west of the wood looked beautiful and they were still flowering. More photographs of the blue carpet were taken. The western part of the wood has a public footpath that links with St Michael’s church that is adjacent to the Baddesley Clinton estate. I visited the church as there is the opportunity to take a picture of the bluebells in the foreground and the church providing the background interest.

All these pictures were taken with my Fujifilm x100vi and I bracketed the exposure of the pictures. The 3 photographs were merged with the HDR function in Lightroom. Some adjustments of the shadows and highlights plus dodging and burning were made.
If you enjoyed these pictures of the bluebells then please follow the links below to see previous entries in my blog.
[…] Blue heaven with the bluebells of Hay Wood […]