
I have been fortunate once gain to be included in a Calendar promotion called “Birminghamgems”.  It includes two of my pictures and it is for a worthy cause. We are supporting the Birmingham Museums.  This is the second year I have been involved with the @Birminghamweare initiative and it has been a great journey.  Lots of exposure for my photographs and the two that were chosen are shown below.

Early lights

The first one is called Early lights and was taken during one of my 7am jaunts around the City prior to my clinic in the City Centre.  Getting up early to take pictures of the City before work does have its advantages. The Birmingham Canal is part of the old industrial heritage and has some fascinating views.  This picture was taken looking down on where the canal goes under the Snow Hill Station arches.  There is a lone figure walking the canal if you can spot him!

Water Dancing

The second photograph is called water dancing and this was taken whilst I was strolling around Millennium Point and the water feature was working. A little sun and a little bit of HDR make the water jets look as if they are dancing.  This area will undergo great change in the coming years as the building to the right is Curzon street and this will be the hub for HS2.

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