We had a street party

Street Party Platinum Jubilee, Knowle

Our street held a Jubilee street party.  We have a strong neighbourhood community and this is led by Denise Jowitt and Kattalin Martin.  A Whatsapp group formed before the day and plans were laid.  On the Sunday morning of the Platinum Jubliee, there was rain and so much was falling it looked unlikely that a street party would get started.  At 2pm people emerged out of their houses.  Tables and chairs were set up and a line of Gazebos assembled.  All the cakes were displayed in one neighbours’ garage and then the food and drink were consumed. Songs were sung including Rule Britannia, Land of Hope and Glory and Jerusalem.   It was still cold and damp but the residents pressed ahead with the competitions. There was a Jubilee quiz with each house asking 5 questions.  Then the cake competition was voted upon and won by our newly arrived Ukrainian family.  The winner was the splendid cake with sliced strawberries on it.  Next up were races along the street and these included an egg and spoon race, musical chairs and a balloon held between the knees race.  

Street Party Platinum Jubilee, Knowle
It may be cold and raining but we are having such fun!
Street Party Platinum Jubilee, Knowle
A line up cakes
Street Party Platinum Jubilee, Knowle
The cake winner was made by our Ukrainian family
Street Party Platinum Jubilee, Knowle
At the end of the street is a street party
Street Party Platinum Jubilee, Knowle
Getting ready for the balloon race
Street Party Platinum Jubilee, Knowle
The egg and spoon race

In spite of the weather everyone had a lovely day and we went back to our houses to warm up! We had lovely memories and the street party was even mentioned in the Solihull Observer.

Street Party Platinum Jubilee, Knowle
Solihull Observer
Street Party Platinum Jubilee, Knowle
Street Party Platinum Jubilee, Knowle

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