Night photography on the University of Birmingham campus

University of Birmingham at Night, Edgbaston, March 2024

This set of pictures features the University of Birmingham at night.  I was fortunate to be staying at the Edgbaston Park Hotel which is on campus.  After the conference dinner ended, I headed out with my iPhone and Fujifilm camera.  I used my travel tripod for some of the long exposure pictures of the Aston Webb building.  The iPhone was ideal for the pictures of the newer buildings around campus.  The sensors on the iPhone give a very good rendition of night colours.   

University of Birmingham at Night, Edgbaston, March 2024
Leading lines in the night.
University of Birmingham at Night, Edgbaston, March 2024
The Entrance to Chemical Engineering.
University of Birmingham at Night, Edgbaston, March 2024
The Medical School open all hours.
University of Birmingham at Night, Edgbaston, March 2024
The expanse of the Green Heart.
University of Birmingham at Night, Edgbaston, March 2024
The Walkway to University Centre.

The University has so many different venues that lend themselves for photography.   I did a brisk walk around several of the main buildings and paths.  Even though it was late, there were several people moving around.  Unsurprisingly the busiest area was the University Library.  The advantage to using the iPhone is that it is less conspicuous to using my camera.  Even with my long exposure pictures on a tripod, I did not attract that much attention and was very much left to myself as I moved around.  I hope you enjoy the pictures. Old Joe was telling the time at just before 8pm but that is not correct! Hopefully he will be sorted soon. The clock face is illuminated in purple colours for World Rare Diseases Day.

University of Birmingham at Night, Edgbaston, March 2024
Table Tenis table outside the School of Sport Sciences.
University of Birmingham at Night, Edgbaston, March 2024
Steps to Univeristy Station
University of Birmingham at Night, Edgbaston, March 2024
The new entrance to University Station.
University of Birmingham at Night, Edgbaston, March 2024
More of the Aston Webb
University of Birmingham at Night, Edgbaston, March 2024
Old Joe has a purple clock face.
University of Birmingham at Night, Edgbaston, March 2024
The ornate gates of the University main entrance.
University of Birmingham at Night, Edgbaston, March 2024
IRC Net Shape Laboratory always looks mysterious
University of Birmingham at Night, Edgbaston, March 2024
(UN)intentional camera movement – can you guess where I am?

If you enjoyed this blog then have a look at the University Campus in the Summer and the Autumn.

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