My winning picture in the Brum through our eyes competition.

Lights in Floodgate street Digbeth

Back on a cold Wednesday morning in late January 2020, I decided to visit Floodgate Street before starting work in the City centre.  I took the early train into Birmingham Moor Street and then hopped onto a bus to take me down to Digbeth.  I was particularly keen to photograph Floodgate Street and the lights that criss cross above the street.  They always look so pretty from the train as you make your way into the station.  The lights stay on during the night and are turned off when the sun rises.  Wasting little time, I made my way down the street.  I had some form of photograph in my mind and I knew I wanted it to show the splendour of the lights which give Floodgate St a magical look.  It had been raining the night before and there were puddles yes lots of puddles around.  It could only mean one thing there may be the opportunity of a reflection photograph!  As I got towards the end of Floodgate street, I saw the puddle I needed but I would have to bend down low.  Ewen a friend and a professional photographer had drilled into me that getting down low provides impact to a picture.  Even though I had my ‘grown up’ camera I reached for my iPhone and dipped it into the puddle.  I could see a couple in the distance and they must have thought I was mad bending down for the picture.  When I looked at the picture I was pleasantly surprised and posted it on Instagram.  It was well received with over 100 views which for me is a lot but it was also the start of an Instagram recognition and since that photograph I have received a lot more attention. 

So the reason for posting this blog?  I went into the “Love Birmingham Charity” competition.  It is a great charity and does so much good work.  I made my donations and entered several photos including this one.  I was pleased to learn that it has been selected as a winner and will be featured in a charity calendar by the charity.  So that is the story and on reflection, there has been so much that has happened in the world since the picture was taken.  It is my memory of what the world was like pre-Covid19.

Brum through our Eyes Winners

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