It only takes a minute

A day out in Amsterdam sounds exciting but this was for work and I spent most of the day in meetings. We were based at the Amsterdam Medical Centre and then we moved into the city centre where the University central administration resides.  During the taxi ride the sites of Amsterdam revealed itself out of the window.  It was a sunny warm day and the toursists were out.  The taxi stopped on the Rakin Canal and then we made our way up Spui to the Maagdenhuis of the University of Amsterdam.  When we got out of the taxi, it was if we were plunged into a summer holiday.  The place looked beautiful with people moving around by foot and bicycle.  I got the camera out and started snapping.  I was also lucky as part of the delegation arrived late, so I was able to wander around the square outside the Maagdenhuis and take some photographs. All on my Sony RX100v5 and all taken within a few minutes of each other.

Rakin Canal in the Sun
Maagdenhuis, University of Amsterdam
The square on Spui street

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