Welcome to my new look web site. This web site was set up back in 2016 and my first posts featured the different topics of Birmingham Gems, Pictures of Bridges and entries into the Post and Mail. Fast forward to 2021 and the site has recorded many photographic events over my five years of blogging not least the pandemic. I use my camera to record events and make stories that I like to share. When the site started, it followed the normal pattern of being a showcase of photographs. There were sections on travel, Birmingham and local views around where I live. But the one area that I kept returning to time after time was the my blog. It is just like writing a diary. It also enables me to display more of my photographs that don’t normally make it onto Instagram, Twitter or Flickr.
Changing the site and taking account of all the new technology that has been introduced is key to ensuring the site is not stale. Throughout this journey, I have been helped enormously by James Kelly who is responsible for the overall web design. James has been key in the development of the shop @dammodammoshop and the overall branding of the web pages. James has ensured that the site is Google friendly and we are now accepting adverts onto the site. This is turn will get the site pushed up the Google rankings. I hope that it does not distract from your viewing pleasure of the blog. If you wish to know more about James and his work, then visit his site burstoffruit | We make fun stuff
The photographs make the stories and allow me to move forward. I do appreciate all the positive comments about my pictures in the various media where they get published and I am pleased that they bring pleasure. I have also started to give photographic talks at different levels. One is the fun social element to local interest groups. Here I cover popular subject areas that I enjoy photographing and these include Canals, National Trust Properties and other stately homes. Other subjects include cities, travel, wildlife and woodland trusts.
Enjoy exploring the new site and thank you for all your support by stopping by to take a look. BTW if you like the headshot it was taken by Ewen Rankin, professional photographer.