This is a project that I did for a Lynne a friend from work.  She wanted four pictures of bridges from around the world. These were to be printed out and displayed in her kitchen.  Hope you recognise them as they are iconic bridges.

sydney-bw  newcastle-bw
dublin-bw san-francisco-bw

It is always a thrill to have your photographs published in the local paper and this is easier than you think. I discovered that the Birmingham Post and Mail have a Flickr Group and if you post your pictures into this group then you stand a chance of being selected for publication in the paper. Steve was the first journalist who ran the group and soon I found that my pictures were being regularly selected for the paper. The selection process is now run by Marcus who will leave a comment in your flickr page letting you know that your pictures have been selected. All good fun.



The Birmingham Gems calendar features pictures from 4 photographers in Birmingham and it is the idea of both Daniel Sturley (@iconic_exposure) and Jonathon Bostock (@birminghamweare ). The email telling me that i was going to have my pictures selected for the calendar was unexpected. After I had sent in a few examples of my photographs, they selected New Street Station, my view of the Civic buildings in Birmingham and my sunrise of St Paul’s Church. The latter one was my first picture that was selected for BBC West midlands today. I was also in good company with Tim Crornbill, Simon Felton and Ellie all photographers whose work I do admire.

There were many emails discussing the project followed by a celebration evening at Priestly Wharf where some of my family attended. There were poets, musicians and artists present and there were my pictures which I found so exciting.

The Calendar duly arrived and it was a high profile sell across Birmingham. All participants used their numerous contacts to spread the word. The proceeds from the Calendar are for Barbados, Queen Elizabeth Hospital and St Basils. All worthy causes for the proceeds of the calendar sale.

An exciting project and one that I was so pleased to have been invited to be a part of.

Website address:- Birmingham We Are 

Charities supported by the calendar

Barnardos   Queen Elizabeth Hospital  St Basils 

St Paul's Church