Brighton, Street Photography, June, 2024

I was fortunate to visit Brighton as part of a conference.  My hotel was on the seafront and in between sessions, I was able to head out with my camera and take pictures.  The promenade is great for pictures, as with care and respect, it is possible to get some interesting street photos.  The Lanes is also a good place for street photography.  They are narrow and patches of light are everywhere.  Once again people are accepting of what seems to be tourists taking pictures.  However one person did show their displeasure at my camera being pointed in their direction whilst another passerby complimented me on my Fujifilm.  As I mentioned earlier, take care and try not to harass people. Here are a few pictures taken on the streets suing my stay in Brighton.  I did not hear any sounds such as a Brian May Queen guitar solo whilst I was photographing!

Brighton, Street Photography, June, 2024
Pale body on the beach.
Brighton, Street Photography, June, 2024
At the pier
Brighton, Street Photography, June, 2024
Which way now?
Brighton, Street Photography, June, 2024
Brighton Cafe
Brighton, Street Photography, June, 2024
Brighton rescue
Brighton, Street Photography, June, 2024
Beach fun
Brighton, Street Photography, June, 2024
Fun on the beach is over
Brighton, Street Photography, June, 2024
Underneath the 360
Brighton, Street Photography, June, 2024
Watch out for the cyclists
Brighton, Street Photography, June, 2024
Entrance to Car Park has classical music on loudspeaker.
Brighton, Street Photography, June, 2024
Sights on the streets
Brighton, Street Photography, June, 2024
Welcome to the Lanes
Brighton, Street Photography, June, 2024
Window shopping in the Lanes
Brighton, Street Photography, June, 2024
Open window restaurant
Brighton, Street Photography, June, 2024
Late night gourmet food
Brighton, Street Photography, June, 2024
Rise and Shine

Enjoy this blog? Then you might like to see Edinburgh Street Photography.

Regents_Canal_Canary_Wharf, May, 2024

On the Regent’s Canal, sitting outside having lunch at the Ragged museum and life is good.  The sun is shining and sitting back watching people rowing on the Regent’s canal.  This spot in Stepney is a favourite place of mine for photographs.  On the bridge with its spikey railings, one has a wonderful view of Canary Wharf.  The juxtaposition of old versus new is quite dramatic.  Before sitting down for lunch with Peter who was accompanying me on this recent photographic walk, I took a picture down towards Canary Wharf and posted it on BBC Weather watchers.  The picture was featured on the lunchtime news and by then I knew then it was going to be a good day.

Regents_Canal_Canary_Wharf, May, 2024
On BBC London Lunchtime News
Regents_Canal_Canary_Wharf, May, 2024
Under the bridge
Regents_Canal_Canary_Wharf, May, 2024
Boats alongside the canal
Regents_Canal_Canary_Wharf, May, 2024
Over and under the bridge

Limehouse Basin is always active and with the DLR trains passing overhead and the buses and traffic nearby. the place is buzzing.  We walked around the basin taking pictures of the sights. At one point as Peter was talking, I managed to get his attention and we looked down towards the lock gates.  There was a heron patiently waiting for their catch of the day.  The spot has water rushing in from the basin and this was the place to fish.  Herons are beautiful creatures but lethal predators and several fish were caught whilst we were watching the bird.  The Limehouse basin has everything you wish for in photography. There are reflections, symmetry and colours around the canal basin and we lingered in the area for a time.

Regents_Canal_Canary_Wharf, May, 2024
Boats and trains in Limehouse Basin
Regents_Canal_Canary_Wharf, May, 2024
Regents_Canal_Canary_Wharf, May, 2024
… and more selections
Regents_Canal_Canary_Wharf, May, 2024
A heron just waiting for the moment.

The basin links with the Thames and the path through the town houses leads to the Canary Wharf estate.  The tide was out and the river bank was accessible so  I went down to the water’s edge and then looked back.  There was a great view of the tall skyscrapers reaching for the sky overlooking the Thames. These high rise buildings reminded me of New Age sentinels that are keeping watch on everyone.  

Regents_Canal_Canary_Wharf, May, 2024
The skyscrapers of Canary Wharf
Regents_Canal_Canary_Wharf, May, 2024
People living amongst the giants.
Regents_Canal_Canary_Wharf, May, 2024
Canary Wharf station
Regents_Canal_Canary_Wharf, May, 2024
Red in-between the carriages.

The private owners of Canary Wharf have put much effort in promoting artwork around the site. This is much better than having to look upwards as there is an awful lot of skyscrapers. Whilst some of the architecture did look interesting, there is an overwhelming feeling that the steel and glass is very repetitious.  One of the high points was the “captivated by colour” tunnel designed by Camille Walala which proved to be a great place to take pictures of people.  I stood centrally and lifted by camera up to get some good views of the tunnel. A group of lads came through and had a great time acting up for the camera.

Regents_Canal_Canary_Wharf, May, 2024
Colourful circles
Regents_Canal_Canary_Wharf, May, 2024
Time waits for no-one
Regents_Canal_Canary_Wharf, May, 2024
A story in the tunnel

Walking through the estate there were several reflections of the buildings in the water that provided good pictures. I did look up at the occasional skyscraper did catch my attention as seen by my pictures.  Our final destination was a favourite pub of mine, the Gun.  The pub is on the banks of the Thames overlooking the O2 arena.  There is a lot of history attached to this Grade II building not least that Horatio Nelson secretly met his lover Lady Emma Hamilton when he was in London.  We sat down in the outside Gin area and compared notes on our pictures. The view over the O2 arena has changed since I last visited with ugly blocks of flats suddenly appearing and obscuring the view.   A long day walking and taking photographs and yet another chapter to my London Times. Finally a picture of Alfie and Bill who were sitting next to us and asked us for a picture of the two of them. Whilst I had a train to catch, Peter stayed on for the golden hour which is always good with the light catching the glass and water.

Regents_Canal_Canary_Wharf, May, 2024
Regents_Canal_Canary_Wharf, May, 2024
Water and skyscraper reflections
Regents_Canal_Canary_Wharf, May, 2024
The oppressive nature of all the building taking place in Canary Wharf.
Regents_Canal_Canary_Wharf, May, 2024
Legs and reflections
Regents_Canal_Canary_Wharf, May, 2024
The Gun
Regents_Canal_Canary_Wharf, May, 2024
Alfie and Bill taken at the Gun.
Regents_Canal_Canary_Wharf, May, 2024
Under the flight path

Hope you enjoyed this blog and there are more “London Times” Blog entries and you can start with the one below.

Silicon Spa Street sights, Leamington Spa, May 2024.

Leamington Spa has streets of white tall elegant buildings. All are fine examples of Regency architecture. Away from the Regency style avenues, buildings in the old town have become canvases for stunning street art several courtesy of the Brink Leamington Mural festival. The train station is a good starting point for exploring the streets of Leamington being close to the old town and the Grand Union canal. On the corner of Crown Terrace and the High Street, a mural advertising the Brink contemporary arts community is displayed. The cartoon character, Gru supervillain turned secret agent, greets you as your first introduction to the artwork that follows. Street art is always fun to photograph but ensuring the artist is always credited can be a challenge. Therefore if I have missed anyone out, I apologise and refer you onto the Brink Contemporary Arts links including a map of the art work and their Instagram page.

Silicon Spa Street sights, Leamington Spa, May 2024.
Future Synth by Void One
Silicon Spa Street sights, Leamington Spa, May 2024.
Royal Leamington Spa by MIG 29
Silicon Spa Street sights, Leamington Spa, May 2024.
Phone Home

The street mural next to the rail arches on Clement street is an attention grabber and at the other end near the canal is the Leamington Spa mural. We identified the Micro Pug, a small pub next to the canal, as a good place to visit and started a circular walk back to the pub. Part of our route would take in the Lady of Shrubland Street. This mural reflects the Victorian architecture of nearby Shrubland Street Primary School and was created by Tim Robottam. I have used filters for the colours and a Flickr friend to pose for the picture. The old part of Leamington has streets with character and this mural enhances the look of the area . Near to the mural stands the Green Man pub where the Lenny Henry TV series “Three Little Birds” was filmed.

The circular route back to pub took in the murals around the disused factory area which may be approached via Eagle Recreational Park. The murals line up alongside the Grand Union Canal and the path leads to steps and a footbridge taking you over the canal. As you go up the steps a glance to left reveals the stunning art by the artist N4t4. The canal was busy and a narrowboat passing by the graffiti strewn factory was an added bonus. We headed back to the Micro Pug for a drink and to plan the later part of the day.

Silicon Spa Street sights, Leamington Spa, May 2024.
Canal Boat passing by.
Silicon Spa Street sights, Leamington Spa, May 2024.
Figure and face.

We took a general walk through the Regency half of the town. Jephson gardens was looking good in the sun with people enjoying the fine weather. The usual “honey spot” pictures of Jephson Gardens, the Parade and Clarendon Square were taken before finally it was time to go home.

Silicon Spa Street sights, Leamington Spa, May 2024.
Enjoying the water fountains
Silicon Spa Street sights, Leamington Spa, May 2024.
Mind your Head
Bridge over the River Leam
Silicon Spa Street sights, Leamington Spa, May 2024.
The architecture of the Royal Priors
Silicon Spa Street sights, Leamington Spa, May 2024.
Busy roads in Leamington Spa
Silicon Spa Street sights, Leamington Spa, May 2024.
Phone boxes
Silicon Spa Street sights, Leamington Spa, May 2024.
The beauty of Clarendon Square

I have completed another chapter in my photographic blogs which feature Leamington Spa. My last blog picks up many of the other murals that are present in the town. Finally why the moniker Silicon Spa? The town has exploded in the digital world and is a hub for computer game developers and other computer software programs. The streets maybe lined with code but the artistic community is keeping up by painting the walls with colours.

Finally the “we” and “my Flickr Friend” is JohnBrum69 who kindly guided me around the streets of Leamington.

Dublin City, April 2024

There is always new sights in Dublin even though I have been away for 6 years. The opportunity arose as a conference was held in Dublin and I jumped at the chance to attend. Lisa, my PhD student was presenting and as it happens I gave a presentation on behalf of a colleague who could not make it to the conference. Our conference hotel was in the Liberties and I had not explored this area of Dublin so much in my past visits. I was staying at the Aloft hotel which had some good views over the city from the 7th floor bar.

Dublin City, April 2024
Francis Street in the Liberties
Dublin City, April 2024
Shopping for the Clash back in 1977
Dublin City, April 2024
Whiskey testing at the Dublin Liberties Distillery.

The weather was a mix of sunshine and showers which seems to be the story of our weather for the last 18 months. Dublin City is great for street photography especially around the Temple Bar area. There are so many people taking selfies of each other that no-one seems to care about one more camera on the streets. I also took in Trinity College, Dublin Castle and a few other sites. Trinity was holding a concert and so many of the picturesque views were not possible. Also they have erected a large red box which is called the Book of Kells experience. They are remodelling the old library and how the Book of Kells is viewed, however the red box is an eyesore.

Dublin City, April 2024
Dublin tram meets Dublin bus.
Dublin City, April 2024
“Sphere within a Sphere” by Arnaldo Pomodoro must be one of the most photographed items in Dublin.
Dublin City, April 2024
Not so sure about the outside experience.
Dublin City, April 2024
Colours of the Olympia Cinema.

Whilst in the Temple Bar area, I discovered Love Lane and this hidden gem had lots to photograph. The tiles and messages were great to see and read. The artwork was conceived and installed by Anna Doran. I loved reading all the messages on the tiles and there were even lyrics from one of my favourite bands, Thin Lizzy. I looked up the lyrics to Dublin written by Phil Lynott. The last verse is quite poignant especially as Derby Square was an alleyway off Werburgh Street near to where I stayed.

And at sea with flowing hair
I’d think of Dublin
Of Grafton Street and Derby Square
And those for whom I really care and you

Dublin City, April 2024
Love Lane tiles
Dublin City, April 2024
Admiring the tiles and messages
Dublin City, April 2024
Crampton Court

Dublin City, April 2024
Reflections from Sweeny’s Pharmacy.

This was also a bittersweet photo experience as this is my last time using the FujiFilm x100v. The camera has been by my side for the last 4 years and I am now moving on to its successor. The camera has served me well as many of the pictures in this post testify.

Dublin City, April 2024
View of a Dublin morning from the Aloft Hotel.

I have pictures from my 2018 visit for you to see and compare. Following this there is a link to the Dublin Liberties Distillery.

Walking the streets of Shoreditch, London, March 2024

London is an ideal place for urban photography as it offers so many different places that offer variety.  There are several large-scale cityscape vistas which sit with the smaller scale scenes taking in street art and street photography.  The start of my recent photo walk with colleague Peter Thompson was the Angel, Islington and from here we accessed the Regent’s canal. A link to this part of my photo walk is below.  Leaving the canal we moved around Shoreditch taking in some of the street art and catching people interacting with their urban surroundings.  Architecture was another focus of my lens.  Finally we finished off at Horizon22 which is also covered in a separate blog entry.  So sit back and be prepared for a roller coaster of pictures from my walk in Shoreditch. (All pictures taken on my Fujifilm x100v)

Walking the streets of Shoreditch, London, March 2024
Two is company, three is a crowd. (Street scene in Islington)
Walking the streets of Shoreditch, London, March 2024
Street Market, Islington.
Walking the streets of Shoreditch, London, March 2024
Love those old Toby jugs.
Walking the streets of Shoreditch, London, March 2024
Telephone boxes
Walking the streets of Shoreditch, London, March 2024
Broken telephone boxes
Walking the streets of Shoreditch, London, March 2024
Inside a telephone box.
Walking the streets of Shoreditch, London, March 2024
Street art with human interaction.
Walking the streets of Shoreditch, London, March 2024
Transport catches up.
Walking the streets of Shoreditch, London, March 2024
Taking time out.
Walking the streets of Shoreditch, London, March 2024
Walking the streets of Shoreditch, London, March 2024
Conversation at the traffic lights.
Walking the streets of Shoreditch, London, March 2024
Bull in a China shop.
Walking the streets of Shoreditch, London, March 2024
I do like this one!
Walking the streets of Shoreditch, London, March 2024
Powerful street art.
Walking the streets of Shoreditch, London, March 2024
Incredible architecture.
Two churches and one bridge
Start at Birmingham Cathedral and take pictures inside then move down church street towards the pedestrian bridge over Queensway then make our way up Bennett's hill to St Paul's church and pictures inside the church there.  I will see if we can get access into both places.  What do you think?  Based on the following.

Andy Street says. "I’m pledging to launch an international architectural competition to build a NEW BRIDGE connecting the Jewellery Quarter & Colmore Row .  The link between two of Brum’s best areas isn’t good enough, we have to deliver an accessible link that celebrates the city’s heritage."
Little Red Riding Hood.
Two churches and one bridge
Start at Birmingham Cathedral and take pictures inside then move down church street towards the pedestrian bridge over Queensway then make our way up Bennett's hill to St Paul's church and pictures inside the church there.  I will see if we can get access into both places.  What do you think?  Based on the following.

Andy Street says. "I’m pledging to launch an international architectural competition to build a NEW BRIDGE connecting the Jewellery Quarter & Colmore Row .  The link between two of Brum’s best areas isn’t good enough, we have to deliver an accessible link that celebrates the city’s heritage."
Light and shadows by Liverpool Street station.
Walking the streets of Shoreditch, London, March 2024
A lone figure in Liverpool Street station.
Walking the streets of Shoreditch, London, March 2024
Walking the streets of Shoreditch, London, March 2024
More views of Bishopsgate.
Walking the streets of Shoreditch, London, March 2024
Decisions, decisions.
Walking the streets of Shoreditch, London, March 2024
Reflections and a selfie.
Walking the streets of Shoreditch, London, March 2024
Happy hour.
Walking the streets of Shoreditch, London, March 2024
Icing sugar window.
Walking the streets of Shoreditch, London, March 2024
Cash only.
Walking the streets of Shoreditch, London, March 2024
Street art.
Walking the streets of Shoreditch, London, March 2024
Street car.
Walking the streets of Shoreditch, London, March 2024
Walking the streets of Shoreditch, London, March 2024
Where does it all go?
Walking the streets of Shoreditch, London, March 2024
Not happy.
Walking the streets of Shoreditch, London, March 2024
Black and White Cityscape.
Walking the streets of Shoreditch, London, March 2024
Colourful buildings.
Walking the streets of Shoreditch, London, March 2024
Colourful railings.
Walking the streets of Shoreditch, London, March 2024
Walking the streets of Shoreditch, London, March 2024
Sunglasses in Brick lane.
Walking the streets of Shoreditch, London, March 2024
Picture perfect.
Walking the streets of Shoreditch, London, March 2024
Pictures on a wall.

You made it to here and your reward are links to my other recent London Times postings.

Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024

Emerging from a tunnel under Islington, the Regent’s canal begins its journey through Shoreditch.  The canal is wide with a spacious towpath. Many runners and pedestrians take advantage of the scenic waterway as it passes through the east of London.  There are many narrowboats along the way each with their interesting names and individual colours.  

Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024
Joining the Regent’s Canal from Colebrooke row
Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024
Pedestrians on the towpath
Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024
Travelling towards the tunnel under Islington

Several roads pass over the canal allowing views up and down the waterway. Iron arched bridges spanning the canal, rumble as commuter trains pass over them. Old industrial buildings sit on either side of the canal and many are converted to city living whilst others wait for progress to overtake them.  There are cafes, pubs and restaurants with people sitting at outside tables taking advantage of the mild spring weather.  Along the way there are small recesses around the bridges that have been made into communal gardens.  I particularly liked the bird boxes put up on the canal bridge wall.  For the photographer there are lines, reflections and opportunities for street photography.  The buildings offer a range of architectural styles and the boats often spring surprises with the way that people have either painted them or the objects that they have collected on their travels.

Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024
On the look out.
Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024
A building and a boat.
Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024
Typical view of this section of the Regent’s Canal.
Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024
Colourful Graffiti on the buildings.
Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024
Hope you find what you are looking for.
Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024
Beware of the dog.
Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024
Beware of the leg!
Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024
Canal bridges provide reflections and shapes.
Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024
The Bird boxes look very cosy.

Yellow was a theme of my walk.  I just seemed to find lots of yellow objects as you will see.  They were either single, in twos or multiple!  

Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024
The yellow let’s you know where you are.
Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024
Two yellows
Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024
I hope you are counting how many yellows there are.
Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024
I did well with this one getting three yellow’s into the picture ( or are there more?)

My walk started at the Colebrooke Row entrance in Islington and finished at Queensbrooke Road turning around to go back to the A10.  There were so many pictures and here is a final finish to my pictures featuring one or two of the eating establishments on this stretch of the canal.

Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024
Table with a view
Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024
Old buildings, new beginnings.
Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024
Food preparations.
Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024
More bridge picture fun
Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024
Boats, boards, lines, geometric shapes and colours.

This is just one of many photographic walks that I have taken on the Regent’s canal in London. I have mapped different sections of the canal as it leaves Paddington basin on its long journey across north London to Lime House Basin. There are many parts still to discover whilst revisiting those that have already been photographed. I have added some further links below and I wish to thank Peter Thompson for showing me this part of the canal. Please visit Peter’s Website for some amazing travel photography.

For further photography of Regent’s Canal

HiVis 2023 celebrating 50 years of HipHop, The Paintwork's, Digbeth.

The Printworks on Fazeley street was the venue for this year’s High Vis festival.  The event celebrated 50 years of HipHop bringing together Birmingham’s street artists and dancers.  I went along on the Saturday afternoon and many of the street artists were nearing the completion of their street art.  Printworks is on the other side of the railway bridge to HS2 and several artists were working underneath the bridge at the junction of New Canal street and Fazeley street.  Security personnel from HS2 were present and a little bemused by what was taking place.  The festival people were friendly and in good form chatting about the artwork and catching up with friends, some of whom were heading off to Birmingham City’s first home match of the season.  The street outside the Printworks was traffic free thanks to the HS2 works although many of the signs were caught up in paint spray.  

Street Art by Sioux_UK
Street Art by Tempo33
Street Caravan for the Festival.
Checking out the art work. (*)
The streetart style of Titlegrafitti
Pink is this year’s colour. (*)
Street Art tools
Street conversations in colour.

As with any street art, the colours are vibrant and the artwork eye catching.  Inside the yard there was a large grinning face of Tempo33 looking down on the street art.  Centre place was a caravan that was getting the Spray-paint treatment.  The walls inside the yard were taken up with different artwork.  Inside the building there was constant supply of HipHop music with dancers displaying their different skills.  If there are any credits missing then please let me know via my socials. I have added (*) where I am unsure of artists.

Amazing dance moves.
High kicks
The end of a battle.
High Vis logo

All this activity was excellent for photography purposes and my Fujifilm x100v was put to good use.  Outside the camera was on aperture priority with the colour balance set at daylight.  For the hip hop dancing, I went for high ISO, f/5.6 and shutter speed 1/500.  The dancers were fun to capture, with the freeze frame pictures. Their expressions tell so many stories.  

Wall painting. (*)
Tempo33 in the yard.
The Printworks
Inside the Yard
Hi Vis Festival 50 years

This is my third documentation of the High Vis festival and I have included my blogs from the last two for further reading. Take a look at the two films made for the BBC by John Bray.
Birmingham High-Vis Festival returns to celebrate street culture
Street artists bring vibrant colours to Birmingham

Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023

Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023 was on my radar when it was first announced earlier this year.  Having photographed the street art in Digbeth, I have ventured further afield to Bristol and Leamington Spa to look at their street art.  The Paint Festival in Cheltenham has a reputation of being well organised and attracting some of the top street artists from home and abroad.  The festival director and artist Andy Dice Davies (aka dice67) had produced an audio map for the phone.  I downloaded the interactive map and whilst there was a bit of a learning element on how to use the software, I found it very useful.  I would love it if there was a narrative that I could listen to as a continuous streaming or even a podcast of the event.  Still the interactive map was very good and I have used the app for reference for this blog.

Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023
Admiring the Street Art by @n_4_t_4

North Place Car Park

Not knowing the geography of Cheltenham, I did my homework.  I found on arriving that the town has NCP car parks and I needed their app to get a good rate of parking.  I parked centrally and made my way to North Place Car Park.  Many street artists were painting on the surrounding walls and the place was a hive of activity.  There were many photographic opportunities as I walked around the walls. I struck up a conversation with one of the artists @mycutecreatures.  Her work was only just being started but it was possible to see the design that was planned.  I find it fascinating how the artwork develops as the artist is painting during the day.  I moved down along the walls where other artists were working away.  The murals were on different themes, with different images and most of all differed in colours and content.  Certainly a feast for the eyes.

Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023
Painting the walls of the car park (AjaxPiper)
Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023
Reflections in the glasses (@Jenksart)
Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023
Street art has wings (Demoisellemm)
Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023
Decisions and discussions. (Guts dc and Jimmer Willmott)
Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023
Alphabet and number soup (@DFTE)
Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023
Work in progress (daub.jg)

Holiday Inn

Next stop was the Holiday Inn to see both last year’s mural and the progress on this year’s wall.  Last year’s mural is amazing whilst the present mural is facing towards the town.  When taking pictures of the street murals, I always look to take a different picture and seeing the mural, I lined up the traffic lights with the face.  This made for an interesting picture.  Curtis Hylton painted the pea hen for a previous festival whilst the uncompleted work in my picture is by Epod3000.  Check his Insta account to see the finished painting.

Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023
Artwork in progress @Epod3000
Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023
Work on the Holiday Inn wall by Curtis Hylton

Previous Festivals Artwork

There are so many murals to visit, and I went to several places to find street art that had been completed during previous festivals.  As you see from the set of pictures each mural tells a story.  I visited on the Saturday and several works are incomplete.  This just means that I will have to revisit at a later date!  This blog provides a real time account of how the festival was taking place.

Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023
An open window. Detail of Killing Joke by Dice67.
Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023
Beautiful face in the Car Park (Jim Vision)
Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023
An evocative piece of street art jointly painted by Rocket01 and Faunagraphic.

Whilst I was in the area around the Holiday Inn, I met Stephen Gledhill, a street art blogger, who runs the  Natural Adventures blog.   This covers street art up and down the UK.  Stephen was looking at the stencil done by the Street Artist Pogo Stencils UK.  Stephen explained that this artwork was a wonderful example of complex multi-layer stencils.  There is good attention to detail, and it is possible on close inspection to identify the layers.  I love the explanations to paintings in art galleries and was indebted to Stephen for taking me through the Street art.  I took a picture of Stephen next to the street art that was painted at a previous Cheltenham Art Festival.

Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023
Stephen Gledhill, Street Art blogger with picture by Pogo Stencils

Frog and Fiddle

Stephen recommended visiting the Frog and Fiddle which turned out to be a real gem of a pub.  Ordering myself a drink, the bartender gave me some of the background to the place and gave me permission to wander around.  I went upstairs where there is another example of the stencil work of Pogo.  The positioning of the partial face against the windows adds a haunting feel to the pool tables.  At the back of the pub, @Dice67 has painted a portrait of Jet Black, the Strangler’s drummer who is sadly no longer with us. There were other street artists at work in this area and were happy to chat about their work. This festival does provide a buzz to the town.

Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023
Frog and Fiddle Pub
Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023
Pool table and light (Pogo Stencils)
Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023
Jet Black of the Stranglers painted by Dice 67.
Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023
Artist at work (@phasechan)
Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023
Paint cans at the ready.

Leaving the Frog and Fiddle, I walked up the high street taking some detours to see previous festival work by @Zabouartist and work in progress on a new mural by @liambononi. The latter artwork was above an entrance to a factory.  The artist was painting on a motorised platform with air filter protection.  The tools of the trade.  Having marvelled at the artwork I returned to the path down the high street and came into the Church yard of Cheltenham Minster, St Mary’s. My destination was the Two Pigs pub, the HQ of the Cheltenham Paint Festival.  

Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023
To be or not to be – by @Zabouartist
Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023
High rise street art by @liambononi

The Two Pigs

The pub was busy and had many artists working both in the back yard of the pub and inside. Many of the painters took time out to chat about their work and most were happy to have their photograph taken for my blog. 

Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023
The entrance to the back yard of the Two Pigs
Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023
The sun did show and brought out the colours of the artwork (@sophytuttle)
Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023
Showing attention to detail by @wolfskulljace_art.
Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023
More artists at work (Sould_ art on the left)
Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023
Artwork on show (Roo art)
Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023
Sign painting by Dawn and Dario Santos inside the Two Pigs

More Street Art

The festival experience is remarkable in that the murals have become an interlinked feature of the town.  I passed beautiful streets filled with examples of Regency architecture.  I walked around the Royal Crescent and then into the streets behind.  Here tucked away in a car park are the Bayshill walls where there were examples of artwork from previous festivals.  

Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023
Street Photography and artwork by Inkie who also did the Festival logo.
Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023
The Royal Crescent, Cheltenham.
Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023
Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023
Walking past the artwork by Beau Stanton in Bayshill car park.
Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023
Work by Duo Sink at Bayshill walls

Agg Pavillion

Using Andy’s interactive map on my phone, I retraced my steps through an alley way to the Bottle of Sauce pub and Dodo establishments.  I walked through the St Paul’s area, where the houses are predominantly white with some splashes of colour.  My aim was to view an iconic piece of work by the street artist @whoamIrony.  However, I went too far and found myself in Pittville Park.  Here I discovered street artists painting on the Agg Pavilion.  There were 5 artists at work, and I was pleased to meet @Titlegraffiti.  I recognised his work at once having come across his work in Digbeth, Birmingham.  My personal favourite was the intricate work being done by @faye.rai who explained that she was painting in a similar manner to a watercolour.  Other street art at the pavilion included the painting of a Barbie doll on its side by @katiescott_creative. There were others there and  I am hoping readers will fill in the artist blanks for me.

Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023
The distinctive artwork by Birmingham street artist @Titlegraffiti
Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023
A lovely mural taken shape which is being painted by @faye.rai
Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023
I’m a Barbie Girl (@katiescott_creative)
Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023
An intricate fish mural (@PeteSheridanArtist )
Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023
Aerosol paint cans at the ready,

I did get to see the iconic wolf moon mural by Irony on the way back.  

Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023
Howling Moon by Irony

There were also some other artwork on the streets which were fun to photograph.  I went back to the car park and came across @ n_4_t_4 with his colourful mural of a bird.  I introduced myself to Nathan and he took time out to talk to me about his work.  He is a well-respected street artist and this was one of my highlights in my travels around the festival.  Around the corner @mycutecreatures was finishing her mural and several others were nearing completion.  Members of the public were admiring the street art.  

Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023
A second painting by @n_4_t_4
Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023
Nearly at the finish for @mycutepictures
Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023
Discussing the Festival (@sophielongart)

Homeward bound

By now I was ready for home, I realised looking through Andy’s map that I had missed several other large projects such as buildings and carparks.  Therefore, I will have to come back to Cheltenham and see the street art that I had missed and take pictures of those that were in progress.  I did pick up on Instagram what was happening elsewhere and there is a good record on many Insta micro-blogging sites.  

Cheltenham Paint Festival 2023
Thoughts are not facts – @DFTE with the nearly finished mural.

If you want to follow some excellent street art photography, then Max Johnson @Moxsblag is a must.  Her documentation of the artists is first class and very detailed. Another insta blogger is @Streetartuk2023. Again, nice photography and documentation.

Many thanks both to Andy for organising the festival and all those artists that allowed me to take photographs of their work.  I hope that I have got all the credits right and apologise if there are mistakes. I am happy to amend when I have the necessary information.  Please contact me via this website or @dammodammo if there is anything that I need to correct. The featured image at beginning of this blog was by @sam_art_34. BBC Gloucestershire did a feature on the return of the event prior to the festival.

Camera use for all pictures was with my Fujifilm x100v except for a couple of iPhone pics.  The x100v was on aperture control and colour balance daylight. For the artists out there, I was the guy in the hat wandering around with the silver retro camera.

If you enjoyed this blog then here are my Street art walks around Digbeth, Leamington Spa and Bristol.

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The brutal beauty of Exchange Square – Poster

The brutal beauty of Exchange Square – Poster

Exploring Birmingham in the early morning is a great pastime and the city opens up for many different photographic opportunities.…

Eastside and Digbeth, July 2023.

I enjoy a photographic walk with my Fujifilm x100v camera around the streets of Birmingham.  The early hours are best when few people are around and about.  This series of photographs begins at Eastside where the HS2 works are taking place.  Digbeth was next and I returned to Birmingham along the canal exiting again near to the HS2 works.  

Eastside and Digbeth, July 2023.
Digging holes and barriers around HS2

What is there to tell you about my walk?  No surprises, as building in Birmingham has not finished and HS2 is still digging and putting up barriers.  I took a few pictures and was interested to see BBC midlands covering the HS2 disruption in the evening news.  Why is HS2 taking so long and why is there so much disruption?  I do get upset with the blasé way they are undertaking the HS2 works.  I am sure it will look wonderful when finished but is it worth the upheaval and time taken.    
The latest BBC item puts HS2 under the spotlight.

Eastside and Digbeth, July 2023.
Curson street station awaits a HS2 upgrade.
Eastside and Digbeth, July 2023.
The empty Woodman pub awaits customers but when will they return?

Digbeth was quiet for a Monday morning and since the pandemic there is less footfall during business hours. The nightlife is always busy but there is a definite change in activity during the day.  My next observation is the encroachment of high rise living around Digbeth and the loss of character with the demolition and neglect of buildings.  

Eastside and Digbeth, July 2023.
Micheal Jackson on a furniture shop door.

There are several brownfield sites around the area that will become large skyscrapers.  Other signs of change include the former Typhoo tea building which is starting to see activity around the relocation of the BBC to the building.  Change may not always be positive and one of my pictures is outside what was the DigBrew entrance.  Sadly this excellent brewery has ceased trading and artwork from the street artist Tempo33 marks the spot.
Don’t go there.
Eastside and Digbeth, July 2023.
The former Typhoo building soon to become the BBC Midlands Headquaters.
Don’t park here.

There is much chaotic colour around the streets of Digbeth and the morning sun brings out the light and shadows.  The canalside is another area in Digbeth that is changing with several buildings undergoing renovation.  How this change will progress will be interesting to document in future months. 

Eastside and Digbeth, July 2023.
I’m late for an important date. (street art Tempo33)
Eastside and Digbeth, July 2023.
Colours stuck to a wall in Digbeth.
Eastside and Digbeth, July 2023.
Cryola’s wonderful street art is still attracting attention.
Eastside and Digbeth, July 2023.
Standing in Liverpool Street looking up Fazeley Street.
Eastside and Digbeth, July 2023.
Birmingham Canal Navigation through Digbeth
Eastside and Digbeth, July 2023.
The details under the Great Barr Street bridge.
Eastside and Digbeth, July 2023.
The Fox mural by Annatomix still impresses
Eastside and Digbeth, July 2023.
View of the canal buildings with Birmingham in the background.

My final picture was taken on my iPhone as I went past the Selfridges building.  I went low and framed the iconic discs in the background.  I was in luck as a woman walked past although she was confused by what I was doing.  The picture turned out well but was also a reminder not to attract undue attention during my street photography.

Eastside and Digbeth, July 2023.
The Selfridges Crossing.

Returning to the HS2 theme then there are more stories about the construction on my blog.  I have been documenting 16 acre wood and the damage caused by HS2 around Balsall Common since 2020.  Here is my account of this part of the HS2.

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The brutal beauty of Exchange Square – Poster

The brutal beauty of Exchange Square – Poster

Exploring Birmingham in the early morning is a great pastime and the city opens up for many different photographic opportunities.…

The tunnel in Utrecht, the Netherlands, April 2023.

There is a tunnel in Utrecht that leads from the Ganzenmarkt to the Oudegracht wharves.  I discovered the tunnel by chance after a late night in the town as part of the conference dinner.  Walking back to my hotel, I passed by the restaurants and the bars.  My eye caught a flashing light and I looked over the railing and saw colourful lights radiating out of a tunnel close to the canal.  I walked down and found this colourful psychedelic tunnel.  The lighting of the tunnel kept changing and there were three people dancing in what looked like a trance.  They were oblivious to my presence and so I took some pictures and then headed home.  

The next morning I retraced my steps to the tunnel. The location is a photographer’s dream site for pictures especially as the colourful lights are constantly changing on a regular cycle.  The street art is colourful and the illumination provides a changing backdrop.  I asked a colleague to return with me so that I could place him at the entrance then use his silhouette to provide a focus to the pictures.  Enjoy the result.  Sorry if it is somewhat self-indulgent but it was such a great place to photograph.

The tunnel in Utrecht, the Netherlands, April 2023.
Figure at the end of a green tunnel.
The tunnel in Utrecht, the Netherlands, April 2023.
Lost in colour.
The tunnel in Utrecht, the Netherlands, April 2023.
Street Art in the tunnel.
The tunnel in Utrecht, the Netherlands, April 2023.
Artistic detail.
The tunnel in Utrecht, the Netherlands, April 2023.
Get down low.

Want to know more about Utrecht and this amazing tunnel.
Discover Utrecht
Student life in Utrecht

Also please see my companion piece to my visit to Utrecht.
Photographing the streets and canals of Utrecht

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The brutal beauty of Exchange Square – Poster

The brutal beauty of Exchange Square – Poster

Exploring Birmingham in the early morning is a great pastime and the city opens up for many different photographic opportunities.…