The Pedicabs of London at Christmas 2024

These pedicabs or rickshaws look exciting but they are an accident waiting to happen as often or not the cyclist is not looking at the road whilst he is weaving in and out of the traffic. These pictures were taken on Oxford and Regent Street during the early evening. The streets were full of Christmas shoppers and were many of these bright contraptions on the roads. Furthermore the rickshaw does look very flimsy.  There are so many of them blaring out music and weaving in and out of traffic.  Even though these bicycles do not travel so fast, the light is tricky when photographing at night.

The Pedicabs of London at Christmas 2024
Three in the back and one driver.

There are many articles on these so called pedicabs which highlight the problems that surround them. I have featured two of them from the BBC and the Metro.

The Pedicabs of London at Christmas 2024
Whilst the passengers are happy, the driver has one hand on the bar and the other on his phone.
The Pedicabs of London at Christmas 2024
All eyes on the road please.

These pictures were taken during my recent visits to London and you can read more on the link below.

Selfridges Department Store, Oxford Street, October, 2023

The window dressing at Selfridges is always amazing and in October the windows were designed around phrases and images.  The phrases were very catchy and if you placed people in front of them then they made for some fun street photography.  As I was taking photographs, people did not look at me but rather the windows that were the subject of my pictures. Therefore I was able to take some candid photographs of people as they walked past.  Enjoy this selection of the windows of Selfridges in Oxford Street.

Selfridges Department Store, Oxford Street, October, 2023
Smell the streets
Selfridges Department Store, Oxford Street, October, 2023
Sheer wonder – certainly this lad thinks so.
Selfridges Department Store, Oxford Street, October, 2023
Unidentified Fashion Object.
Selfridges Department Store, Oxford Street, October, 2023
Ride on to the sunset. This guy is thinking about it.
Selfridges Department Store, Oxford Street, October, 2023
Too many mobile phones.
Selfridges Department Store, Oxford Street, October, 2023
Watching the buses.

There is always Selfridge Birmingham to look at as well check out my “Selfridges Study” or you can take a look at my “Wheels of London”.

Wheels of London

I was down in London visiting the British Dental Association in Wimpole Street. A friend and colleague, Nairn Wilson, has a project of collecting dental ties. So far he has well over 200 of them. My task was to photograph them for cataloguing purposes.

Wheels of London
Biking along Regent St

A trip to London is always fun as the place offers so many photographic opportunities. I came down by Chiltern trains to Marylebone and returned via Euston to Rugby where Sandy was visiting my daughter and the grandchildren. The arrival and walk from Marylebone is always exciting as you pass by many different streets, main roads and parks. After the visit to the BDA and the photographs of the ties, I made my way down to Oxford Street. I was lucky as the setting sun had begun to set low along Oxford Street.  In the subsequent golden hour, there was some lovely light with long shadows. Oxford street is an ideal place for street photography as there are so many people moving around.  There were so many pictures on my camera and of some many different themes. However I noticed that I had focused on bicycles and skateboards and these leant themselves to a story.

Wheels of London
The shadow of a wheelie on Oxford Street.
Wheels of London
Skateboarding in Triton Street

At the start of the day, I had taken a few pictures of cyclists on my way to the BDA HQ in Wimpole Street.  As I made my way back to Euston, there were cyclists moving along Oxford Street. The area around Oxford Circus is very busy and there are many cyclists moving around in between the buses.  My final part of journey back to Euston took me through Triton street and here I came across people on skateboards that added to my portfolio. So enjoy my themed series and I am looking forward to my next visit to the capitol.

Wheels of London
Bus versus cyclist