I was in transit from work in the City centre back to my Pebble Mill base. It was a glorious day and before jumping on the bus, I decided to go to Selfridges and see if there were any good shots of the Birmingham Icon, Selfridges.

(You can see a missing disc which has been a recent problem with the structure)
There are two entrances that overlook St Martin’s church and I approached the deck around the upper one. I immediately noticed the puddles and then the bright sun. I knew that there would be some good pictures to be had. The pictures are a mixture of my Sony and the iPhone. As you will gather the iPhone gave the best picture as it was possible to get the lens down close to the water in the puddle. It only took a few minutes but the sun and the puddles combined to give a great set of photographs.

[…] on my list as a building to photograph. It has featured in many of my picture books over the years. I have even written a blog about the building which includes many of my pictures. The building is striking with the discs spread over an amorphous design. I love the building and it […]