I think that Lavender has more of a purple colour with a touch of blue. Certainly the fields at Cotwolds Lavender were in full bloom. The day was overcast and there was a strong wind blowing. This being June the day was warm but there was a definite chill around. The farm had instigated social distancing so the shop was closed but the Lavender fields were open. We had a lovely time entering into the channels between the flowers to take in the smells and the intense purple colours. It was not that many people and there were plenty of opportunities to take pictures. One I was particularly pleased with was where I lay down in-between the lavender and used my Canon 70 to 200mm telephoto lens to catch the flowers. Noah my grandson had a lovely time running up and down the rows of lavender.

After the farm we then went onto the Broadway Tower. The air was clear and it was possible to see the Malvern hills and further afield. The shop next to the tower was good to visit and the social distancing that was in place ensured that we were were able to move around safely. Again it was not too busy and probably the wind swept day kept a few people away plus the fact that all the pubs were open as well for the first time since lockdown. An enjoyable day out and definitely a place to visit again.