The close is a small village of houses within Norwich Cathedral walls. The area is also home to Norwich School and during the day there is an influx of tourists who visit both the Cathedral and the Close. My school friend, Tim, lives in one of the Cottages in the Close. It was a good to catch up with Tim who I had only seen once since we both left school and went our separate ways over 40 years ago. As I wished to see the Time Horizon installation at Houghton Hall, a stop over at Norwich looked a good idea.

I arrived on a glorious sunny afternoon and the Close was busy with people. In the evening the doors are shut at 10.30pm and at around 9pm the area is relatively quiet. The next day, I got up early and wandered around the close. The sun was also rising in the sky and again there were several good photographs amongst the light and the shadows. I also met Tony was sitting quietly against one of the walls with his lenses pointed up to the spire of the Cathedral. There are two nesting peregrine falcons and the City news is wrapped up with their well-being. Last year there were no chicks and this year only one has survived. The picture shows Tony taking his picture and if you look very closely you can see the young peregrine bird on the masonry. I did not have my long lens so this is a digital zoom.

The cloisters were impressive and I learnt that some of the Harry Potter movies were filmed in the cloisters. Also I realised that I missed several opportune views of the cloisters as I read up about Norwich Cathedral after my visit. Furthermore, I did not get the chance to explore other parts of Norwich so another visit beckons.
On a photographic note, I am finding my Fujifilm x100vi is working well now that I have set it up with a back focus button. The IBIS makes the night photography straightforward although I do have to remove the noise in Lightroom for several pictures. I have also purchased a “shimmer” for the lens and this adds an attractive effect when shooting into the sun.
Looking back into my archives and I find that I photographed Cologne back in 2019. As this is another Cathedral City, it is interesting to compare my blog postings over the years.
I also provide a link to the official Norwich Cathedral website.