Several pictures did well over the year and I would like to share them with you.
I was featured in Amateur Photographer with this picture from a memorable holiday in Loch Lomond.

This received over 400 likes on my Instagram account. My highest number so far. Taken from a magical evening in Leamington Spa.

This picture received an honourable mention in the Monovisions awards as “the Avenue” and was selected for the RBSA photographic exhibition as “Mystery in the Fog”

This oil and water photograph is an example of a technique I learnt during Lockdown. I received an Honourable mention in the Chromatic awards with this picture called “Undiscovered worlds”

It was a great year, despite the pandemic that was causing problems. These pictures have many memories for me and I hope you enjoy looking through them. Roll on 2022 and let us see what successes this year will bring. Wishing you all the best. Damien.