Siân, my youngest daughter, got married to Jim Bruce and I was able to take a few photographs during the day.  We did have an official photographer and VJ is brilliant but I brought along my Sony RX100V5 for the ceremony and then my Canon 5D for the final part of the night.  It was a great opportunity to get some candid pictures. Weddings are fun but I would not wish to be an official photographer as I would be worried about making sure that I had the correct pictures and had not missed any of the important ones.  Here are a few of my better pictures that I took and I do love those ones that are showing a packed pub.  Everyone was having a great time and it shows.  The wedding was at St George and St Teresa and the reception was the Bell in Tanworth in Arden.  For those interested, my speech went as well as can be expected 🙂

Sian getting ready
The beautiful car with the beautiful bridesmaids
On the way to the Church
signing the marriage certificate
The bride and groom with the Bridesmaids (and Lily)
My three daughters, Natasha, Sian and Katie
The ushers, best man, bride and groom and the bridesmaids
Rob, Natasha and Noah (in his peaky blinder hat)
The Rolls Royce car in Tanworth in Arden
The decorations in the pub
Cutting the Cake
The Morgan family
Run Lily Run
The first dance
The first dance (continued)
What a party
Dancing the night away
My best night ever