London Times – High Noon on the Millennium Bridge

Millennium Bridge, London, November 2023.

London Times is a short series of photographic blogs that record a recent visit to London. See more links at the end of the blog.

My appointment was at the Sandbox workspace, which was conveniently located near to the Millennium bridge.  This London landmark is a photographic challenge.  How do you take different pictures on this iconic bridge.  The answer is that it is very easy to do so as people are passing over the bridge all the time creating their own photographic moments.  I scouted around the underneath of the bridge and took a few pictures of tourists moving around above.  

Millennium Bridge, London, November 2023.
Approaching the Bridge.
Millennium Bridge, London, November 2023.
Tourists from above.
Millennium Bridge, London, November 2023.
Underneath the bridge.

Then I went to the south part where the two pedestrian walkways split and provide a pleasing symmetrical photograph.  As I expected there were too many photographers in this area although taking photographs of photographers is a fun pastime.  

Millennium Bridge, London, November 2023.
Those photographers LOL.

On the bridge I took a few pictures and then I moved back to the picture sweet spot to try and take some more pictures.  Again more photographers!  It was time to cross the main part of the bridge and I took a cool panoramic view of the Thames towards Tower Bridge.  Then I started to focus on St Paul’s Cathedral which was framed by the northern part of the millennium bridge.  London always has something to photograph and you are never lost for subjects.  Both the people and the buildings are super subjects and I hope you agree when you see my photographs.

Millennium Bridge, London, November 2023.
The bridge is a popular crossing point.
Millennium Bridge, London, November 2023.
A panorama from the middle of the bridge.
Millennium Bridge, London, November 2023.
Framing St Paul’s Cathedral.
Millennium Bridge, London, November 2023.
Flowers are still around St Paul’s cathedral.

Here are more pictures from my “London Times” series.

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