Our last visit to Kenilworth castle was in 2019 when the grandchildren were much younger. A revisit was needed now that they were in a “run about mode”. The weather was kind and ideal for outside activities. We arrived and the children were very excited. I brought my x100v with me plus I activated the flash on the camera at around 1/64. I knew that I would be taking lots of pictures often in dark areas of the castle. The children ran to the far end of the castle and we were led straight to the Elizabethan garden. This was immediately followed by the Norman keep. It was difficult keeping up with them. However it made for some interesting photography as you are constantly trying to adapt and keep up with their sudden movement! The ruins have many nooks and crannies which are ideal hiding places for children. Sometimes we really thought we had lost them. There was a path that went upwards to the battlements. No sooner had we reached the top when it was back down into the Great Hall. After all this expended energy, it was time for lunch. Near to the Tudor stables where the tearoom is situated there are the ruins of the chapel. These make great stepping stones for the children.

After lunch it was to Leicester’s building and English Heritage have constructed an internal staircase which allows you to climb to the top of the tower. As we were looking out onto the adjacent fields, we saw a wedding party moving through the footpath. This is where I would love to have the telephoto lens attachment. It was great to see a local celebration happening around the castle.

Natasha and Lily at the top of the Gatehouse What is happening here? Lunch! Framed! Noah on top of the battlements Holding hands Chloe Hiding
The pictures show the fun that we had at the castle and with the grandchildren growing up it is so much more enjoyable visiting such places. You can compare this to my last blog about the castle in 2019. We loved it so much that we joined English Heritage and now have them alongside the National Trust for places to visit.