HS2 progress, Curzon Street, Birmingham 2024

The HS2 construction is transforming the landscape around the Curzon Street building.  Once this was a sleepy backwater and a relatively quiet part of Birmingham.  However first came Millennium Point and then the ThinkTank museum. Then HS2 rolled into town.  Birmingham City University also moved location so that they were near to the station.  This series of pictures provides a construction update of the area and the viaducts that will carry the trains into the station which are starting to appear.  The area around the Birmingham canal allows a view of the enormous construction taking place. 

HS2 progress, Curzon Street, Birmingham 2024
Back in 2013 the scene was very quiet then before construction began.

HS2 progress, Curzon Street, Birmingham 2024
Life goes on around the HS2 changes.
HS2 progress, Curzon Street, Birmingham 2024
Curzon street is quiet for now. This will be a busy station thoroughfare in the future.
HS2 progress, Curzon Street, Birmingham 2024
The scene from the canal onto the City.

A few interesting stories developed whilst I was taking pictures.  I added to my 100 strangers project whilst  I was walking around the perimeter of the HS2 development works. As I was taking pictures over the canal bridge looking towards the new viaducts for the trains, I met Mace who was from London. He was on a stopover in Birmingham on his journey to Scotland.  He immediately engaged me in conversation and was a lively personality.  After discussing the state of play of the HS2 and Birmingham, he willingly posed for my 100 strangers’ project.  (More of this photographic project at a later date). The sun was out creating lighting difficulties so I asked Mace to stand under the shade.  In the portrait, Curzon street is to the right and the view is down towards the ThinkTank museum and Birmingham City University.  The new Curzon Street station is further down the road.

HS2 progress, Curzon Street, Birmingham 2024
Mace who I met on Curzon Street.

Another interesting finding was that to my surprise I found a narrowboat moored up on the other side of the Curzon Street railway bridge near to the Birmingham Gun Barrell proof house.  It is a rare sight to see canal boats on this stretch of the canal.  However as the area starts to receive more investment then it is likely that such occurrences will be more frequent.

HS2 progress, Curzon Street, Birmingham 2024
A narrowboat tied up near to the Curzon Rail bridge overlooks the City

One of my photography projects is to photograph the changes occurring in other places of the HS2 development. You may wish to view the changes to 16 acre wood near Berkswell.

Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024

Emerging from a tunnel under Islington, the Regent’s canal begins its journey through Shoreditch.  The canal is wide with a spacious towpath. Many runners and pedestrians take advantage of the scenic waterway as it passes through the east of London.  There are many narrowboats along the way each with their interesting names and individual colours.  

Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024
Joining the Regent’s Canal from Colebrooke row
Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024
Pedestrians on the towpath
Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024
Travelling towards the tunnel under Islington

Several roads pass over the canal allowing views up and down the waterway. Iron arched bridges spanning the canal, rumble as commuter trains pass over them. Old industrial buildings sit on either side of the canal and many are converted to city living whilst others wait for progress to overtake them.  There are cafes, pubs and restaurants with people sitting at outside tables taking advantage of the mild spring weather.  Along the way there are small recesses around the bridges that have been made into communal gardens.  I particularly liked the bird boxes put up on the canal bridge wall.  For the photographer there are lines, reflections and opportunities for street photography.  The buildings offer a range of architectural styles and the boats often spring surprises with the way that people have either painted them or the objects that they have collected on their travels.

Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024
On the look out.
Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024
A building and a boat.
Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024
Typical view of this section of the Regent’s Canal.
Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024
Colourful Graffiti on the buildings.
Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024
Hope you find what you are looking for.
Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024
Beware of the dog.
Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024
Beware of the leg!
Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024
Canal bridges provide reflections and shapes.
Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024
The Bird boxes look very cosy.

Yellow was a theme of my walk.  I just seemed to find lots of yellow objects as you will see.  They were either single, in twos or multiple!  

Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024
The yellow let’s you know where you are.
Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024
Two yellows
Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024
I hope you are counting how many yellows there are.
Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024
I did well with this one getting three yellow’s into the picture ( or are there more?)

My walk started at the Colebrooke Row entrance in Islington and finished at Queensbrooke Road turning around to go back to the A10.  There were so many pictures and here is a final finish to my pictures featuring one or two of the eating establishments on this stretch of the canal.

Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024
Table with a view
Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024
Old buildings, new beginnings.
Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024
Food preparations.
Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024
More bridge picture fun
Regent's Canal, Shoreditch section, March 2024
Boats, boards, lines, geometric shapes and colours.

This is just one of many photographic walks that I have taken on the Regent’s canal in London. I have mapped different sections of the canal as it leaves Paddington basin on its long journey across north London to Lime House Basin. There are many parts still to discover whilst revisiting those that have already been photographed. I have added some further links below and I wish to thank Peter Thompson for showing me this part of the canal. Please visit Peter’s Website for some amazing travel photography.

For further photography of Regent’s Canal

Regent's Canal, QMUL to the Thames, London, Sept 2023

Queen Mary University of London is on the Mile End Road and is adjacent to the Regent’s canal.  Part of the campus borders the canal and there is easy access from the University entrance.  I was at QMUL for a conference but took the opportunity when time allowed to explore the tow path.  My first walk was in the early morning and I followed the canal down to Limehouse basin and onto the River Thames.  My second walk was northwards up to Victoria park and took place in the late afternoon.  Both walks allowed me to photograph people, boats, wildlife and buildings along the way.  This is my photographic account from those walks.

From QMUL to the river.

I was up early for this walk and was moving on the towpath by 6am.  There were still many people out and about at this time.  The day before had been hot and whilst there was a morning coolness temperatures were forecast to rise above 30oC.  There was a slight mist around the canal which diffused the light.  Several species of birds were moving around in the water.  The canal was heavy with algae and the ducks made tracks in the green covering.  There is a mixture of old industrial decay alongside both modern designs of buildings.  I took several pictures of the juxta positioning of the buildings and where the canal was algae free caught their reflections in the still water.  

Regent's Canal, QMUL to the Thames, London, Sept 2023
A chimney is part of the old industrial heritage along the canal.
Regent's Canal, QMUL to the Thames, London, Sept 2023
Colourful old narrowboat
Regent's Canal, QMUL to the Thames, London, Sept 2023
Millionaire row
Regent's Canal, QMUL to the Thames, London, Sept 2023
The algae adds a green foreground whilst the shine buildings of Canary Wharf are lit up by the early sun.
Regent's Canal, QMUL to the Thames, London, Sept 2023
Wildlife coping with the canal.

On the streets there were abandoned hire bikes.  Colours were appearing as the early sunlight started to reach the taller buildings.  I soon reached Limehouse basin and this coincided with the sunrise.  The area has lots to see and quick decisions were made as to the best place to stand for the photographs.  I used my phone to take a few quick pictures that let me quickly see and plan the pictures with my Fujifilm x100v.  One of my first pictures worked well and set the standard that I needed  for future views.  

Regent's Canal, QMUL to the Thames, London, Sept 2023
Abandoned bike.
Regent's Canal, QMUL to the Thames, London, Sept 2023
Limehouse Basin
Regent's Canal, QMUL to the Thames, London, Sept 2023
The sun rises over the basin.

After spending time photographing the sunrise , I made my way along the final part of the canal to the Thames.  This area is very popular with local commuters due to its proximity to Canary Wharf.  The quality of housing is of a higher standard than where I started in the Mile End Road.  The journey does take you through a range of housing.  The Thames looked good in the early morning light and I took several pictures around Gordon Ramsey’s Bread Kitchen restaurant. I followed the commuters as they walked along the road and then onto the pedestrian walkway next to the Thames.  This was a chance to practice some street photography as sharp contrasts between light and dark were created by the sunlight rising between the buildings.  

Regent's Canal, QMUL to the Thames, London, Sept 2023
The Thames in the early morning sun.
Regent's Canal, QMUL to the Thames, London, Sept 2023
Looking out towards the Thames
Regent's Canal, QMUL to the Thames, London, Sept 2023
Regent's Canal, QMUL to the Thames, London, Sept 2023
Running the Thames walkway.

After a while, I realised that I had a conference to attend and I made my way back to QMUL following the Limehouse Cut. This took me past the Sea Mission and I eventually caught up with the Regent’s canal again.  The light had shifted and therefore there were different takes on pictures that I had taken on the way down.  One picture that I enjoyed taking was of two swans who were tucked into a recess of the canal wall.  The picture with the reflections in the background shows the beauty of this canal.

Regent's Canal, QMUL to the Thames, London, Sept 2023
On the cut and through the railings.
Regent's Canal, QMUL to the Thames, London, Sept 2023
The rush over the cut.
Regent's Canal, QMUL to the Thames, London, Sept 2023
The majestic “Mission” building
Regent's Canal, QMUL to the Thames, London, Sept 2023
Swans on the canal.

My final picture is of black and white architecture. I saw this block of flats as the canal turned after a railway bridge. The reflections immediately caught my eye. I converted the picture to black and white and I was pleased with the result. I entered into the weekly #fsprintmondays competition organised by FotoSpeed on Twitter and the picture made the top 4 for that week.

Regent's Canal, QMUL to the Thames, London, Sept 2023
Black and white architecture on the canal (with reflections)

If you enjoyed this blog then there is an earlier account of my photographic journey from Kings Cross to Camden along the Regent’s Canal. This waterway has such a varied landscape which makes it ideal to satisfy my love for photography.