Glasgow, West End, September, 2024

I have to whisper this and hope that no-one hears but I do enjoy a visit to Glasgow over Edinburgh. You may be amazed when I say this, as I do love Edinburgh. I have spent many happy days in the Scottish Capital City and taken some memorable photographs. Glasgow may not have the same immediate sights as Edinburgh. However if you allow yourself to be part of the energy of the city then there is a rich range of places to see. My conference was at the University of Glasgow and I stayed in the Grosvenor hotel in the West End near to the Botanical Gardens. My walk to the University buildings took me along Bryers Road past University Avenue. I took the detour down Ashton Lane several times to sample the quirky neighbourhoods and also sample the delicious food in the restaurants of the area.

Glasgow, West End, September, 2024
The early morning sunrise along the Great Western Road
Glasgow, West End, September, 2024
A figure crosses the Great Western road

My pictures are a selection of shop fronts and restaurants. There was a visit to the Kelvingrove museum. A walk along the river Kelvin in the early morning captured the shadows and light of the beautiful weather we had whilst we were in Glasgow. Visiting the Botanical Gardens during the golden hour captured the glass and the ironwork of the Victorian buildings. My particular favourite was a sunrise along the Western Avenue. For a few moments the sky radiated a warm orange colour as the sun rose over the rush hour traffic.

Glasgow, West End, September, 2024
Golden hour over Kelvinside Hillhead Parish Church.
Glasgow, West End, September, 2024
Sunrise catches the houses on Alfred Terrace, Great Western Avenue.
Glasgow, West End, September, 2024
Sun on Alfred Terrace
Glasgow, West End, September, 2024
Gates outside the University of Glasgow
Glasgow, West End, September, 2024
A couple enjoying the Botanical Gardens in the late afternoon.
Glasgow, West End, September, 2024
Glasgow Train Station and the Beacon of Hope.
Glasgow, West End, September, 2024
Walking along the Kelvin River.
Glasgow, West End, September, 2024
Shapes of the Scottish Exhibition Centre.
Glasgow, West End, September, 2024
Graffiti where Cecil street meets the Great Western Road.
Glasgow, West End, September, 2024
The rising hill of Hillhead Street
Glasgow, West End, September, 2024
Grosvenor Terrace and a skateboarder.
Glasgow, West End, September, 2024
Walking down Ashton Lane
Glasgow, West End, September, 2024
The cinema on Ashton Lane
Glasgow, West End, September, 2024
Just Eat passing Subway 🙂
Glasgow, West End, September, 2024
New ideas for Dr Who
Glasgow, West End, September, 2024
Somewhere in the Matrix

More information on Glasgow’s Westend plus pictures may be found on the Visit Glasgow Website.

This is my second blog on Glasgow after my Photographing Glasgow in 2019. Since then, I noticed the Glasgow graffiti has changed.

And just in case Edinburgh feels left out, here is some street photography on the streets of the Scottish Capital. The Edinburgh street photography is a popular page on my blog.
Trwyn Du Lighouse, Anglesey, August 2024

Our family holiday was in Anglesey staying at Gwelfor barn near to Llangoed on the east of the island.  This location was near to Trwyn Du lighthouse.   The weather was changeable but my Clear Outside app showed that there was a good chance of a sunrise taking place on our first days on holiday. 

Trwyn Du Lighouse, Anglesey, August 2024
View at sunrise.

The day was set and I got up very early careful not to disturb the family and drove down to Trwyn Penman point. Although I had done my research, I did not realize that this area was privately owned.  Driving in the darkness, I came across a burning fire and a gatekeeper standing next to it.   This was 5:00 am in the morning and the sun was a long way from rising. There was a payment of £3.50 and I had no cash with me but as luck would have it, he took out a SumUp device and I was able to pay contactless with my phone.  The cones were moved, allowing me to continue my drive up to Trwyn Penmon Point.  The scene that greeted me was surreal with numerous camper vans parked up for the night.  Some people were asleep in their cars.  No one was stirring.

Trwyn Du Lighouse, Anglesey, August 2024
A long exposure of the sea around the lighthouse. This view is looking North and away from the sunrise.

I quickly got all my equipment out and went down to the shoreline.  The tide was going out so I scouted around looking for a good vantage point. The rocks were covered with seaweed so I was very careful with my own personal safety. The rock pools provided good opportunities for reflective photography with my iPhone. My many photographs of the of the area revealed which was the best vantage point and I set up my Cannon 5DmkVI camera on a tripod. I placed a graduated filter onto the lens. This would allow me to get a good exposure of the darker lower half of the picture and reduce the overexposure that would occur when the sun rose. I also looked for interesting foreground features to complement the composition. The background of Puffin island and the outline of the Great Orme near Llandudno was dark and therefore some compensation was required. The steps leading upto the lighthouse were starting to be uncovered by the outgoing tide. I used the steps as a leading line. I almost missed the sunrise and when you see the initial part of the sun rising, then you have about 5-10 minutes where the sun is a yellow disk as soon the the rays start to overpower your exposure. The sunrise is a very exciting experience and several pictures were taken.

Trwyn Du Lighouse, Anglesey, August 2024
This shows the difficulty of keeping everything in balance although I do like the bright sun attempting to shine on the dark seashore.

I started to vary the position of the tripod although one of the problems I encountered was a large seagull that was taking interest in my camera backpack. Therefore I had to take the bag around with me! The golden hour light was falling on the old lifeboat houses and the camper vans. The North Wales coast was starting to stand put and all the time the sun was getting stronger. I remembered to take a few pictures with my Fujifilm x100vi camera. Then I stopped taking pictures and stood back to enjoy the scene. In such moments, the experience of appreciating the present and exercising mindfulness is a refreshing exercise. There were no photographs for about 5-10 minutes and I found myself sinking in and enjoying the sound of the sea against the rocks and the sun on my face.

Trwyn Du Lighouse, Anglesey, August 2024
The golden hour as the sun’s rays cast a golden hue over the lighthouse cottages and the overnight camper vans.
Trwyn Du Lighouse, Anglesey, August 2024
Seaweed on the rocks.
Trwyn Du Lighouse, Anglesey, August 2024
Colours on the rocks.

Then I knew it was time to go. There were a few more pictures. I had my iPhone out and took a few interesting pictures of the stacks of stones that people had set up on the rocks. They mirrored the lighthouse nicely. Back at the holiday home, there was processing to be done before releasing the pictures on my social media. As a postscript, one of my iPhone pictures received many likes on Instagram, although my large Canon pictures were fun to set up. I enjoyed my time at Trwyn Du lighthouse. Unfortunately I did not get to the other lighthouses mainly through family commitments and also due to other events. Even so a magical sunrise at Trwyn Penman point was one I would not forget.

Trwyn Du Lighouse, Anglesey, August 2024
A view of the lighthouse and the shore from the boat trip around Puffin Island.
Trwyn Du Lighouse, Anglesey, August 2024
Panorama of the scene that opened up before me.

Here is a link to the lighthouse and a starting off area to other places in Anglesey.

Borealis in the Bullring, Birmingham, February 2024

The Bullring centre is hosting a light show called Borealis for one week in February.  This production by the artist Dan Acher is on display every evening during the week.  With a mixture of dry ice smoke and laser beams, the “northern lights” are recreated in the centre of Birmingham.  The performance is accompanied by haunting music which sets the scene and cranks up the atmosphere. When you stand still and look up at the colours, you are transported to a magical place where the northern lights are happening. Borealis is a photographer’s dream. As the laser beams crisscross through the smoke, colours are created and these are highlighted by the surrounding buildings.  The gentle breeze in the area moves the smoke around leading to pleasing patterns against the backdrop of the Selfridges building and St Martin’s Church.  

I arrived there just as the sun was setting and the golden hour followed by the blue hour provided a changing backdrop to the scenes being created.  The hypnotic music added to the atmosphere.  The smoke adds to the surreal atmosphere and produces a haunting appearance to the area which is part dreamy and romantic at the same time. As it is half term week there are many people in the city shopping.  The area around St Martin’s was packed with onlookers gazing into the sky. There was one child dressed in white who seemed to be leading the crowds in a service for the Borealis. The imagery could be appreciated either close up or at a distance allowing everyone to take in the spectacle.    

Borealis in the Bullring, Birmingham, February 2024
The lights over St Martin’s Church with a construction crane leading the dance of the colours.
Borealis in the Bullring, Birmingham, February 2024
There was a golden sunset that enhanced the colours of the laser show.
Borealis in the Bullring, Birmingham, February 2024
There were packed crowds along St Martin’s way.
Borealis in the Bullring, Birmingham, February 2024
The show caught the attention of everyone even this child who is leading the crowds.

Using both iPhone and my Fujifilm x100v, I had fun taking pictures before heading off for an evening meal in town.  After dinner, I dropped by to see Borealis on my way to the train, the night was dark and there was a different take to the light show as the powerful laser colours shone through the smoke layers.  I stayed around for a few more pictures. Even at that late time, there were people out and about enjoying the show.   

Borealis in the Bullring, Birmingham, February 2024
The light show created a calming atmosphere with the lights and the music

Here is a link if you wish to know more about the work of Dan Acher.

The last light show in Birmingham that I visited was in February 2020 when the world was still very young and the idea that a virus would force us all indoors was a fanciful idea.  My record of the festival light from 2020 is outlined on a previous blog. 

About the picture taking.
I was fortunate to have a dinner booked in town at 6pm. This gave me time to see the Borealis early and late in the evening. I always have my iPhone with me and wherever possible my Fujifilm x100v. When I arrived, my mind already starts to think how can I tell a story about the show. There were several things that caught my eye. The smokey atmosphere was one. Standing at the top of St Martin’s Walk looking downwards to the Church is a popular vantage point and captures the haze above the crowds. I moved closer to take in the sunset and the source of the smoke and lasers. My photographic mind is thinking about the big picture and then the smaller things that make up the view. What amazed me were the crowds of people, so I knew that I wanted them in the picture. I swap from iPhone to compact camera when taking my pictures. The iPhone is so good but I find that it wants to adjust the shadows and compensate for the darkness. Meanwhile the x100v requires a very high ISO and wide aperture to let the light in. Fortunately post processing is done with Lightroom and the “denoise” button is a dream to use. This has rejuvenated my night time use with the Fujifilm and I am not afraid to crank up the ISO. Selecting images proved a challenge and I limited myself to just 8 pictures. As always on social media, there were some very good pictures taken by other photographers. Seeing them, I think to myself, if only I had taken that photograph but I know that they also challenge me to adjust my view of the scene when out taking photographs. A selection of them may be found on the Beautiful Productions Instagram page.

My Top 4 pictures of 2023

Looking back on my photographic year, 2023 was an exciting one and there were several achievements including making the Landscape Photographer of the Year book. Two pictures were featured and these are described in my blog. Therefore I decide to choose four pictures that summed up my activity over the year. I love sunrises and sunsets in the golden hour. I have included a few of my favourite locations including Moor Street Station, Digbeth (including the Custard factory), Normandy Hill in Houlton near Rugby and the Lake District. My photographs have strong themes in the areas of Cityscapes and Street Photography. I do like a good reflection and trying to be different with my pictures. Let us take a look at my selection of photographs.

Sunrise at Birmingham Moor Street offers many street photography opportunities. Arriving early to take a picture of the sunrise, I looked around for a good view. The first London train was about to leave and another commuter train was just leaving. This scene made me think of the KLF song ‘Train to Trancentral’. The man pushing the button to release the doors, the sunrise and the golden train in the distance all came together at once. A very fortunate capture at Moor Street Train Station. (Taken with my iPhone 15)

Sunrise at Moor Street Station, November, 2023
All aboard, all aboard, whoa.

Normandy Hill is near Houlton in Rugby. The area of Hillmorton is nearby and the canal runs along the foot of the hill. The place used to have wireless masts for Rugby radio. The masts have been removed and the remnants of the bases are all that remain. When the conditions are right the hill has spectacular sunrises and sunsets. There are also views of the surrounding Warwickshire countryside. On a barmy night in July, I set up my travel tripod for my Fujifilm X100V. My camera settings were f/11, s 1/250 ISO 160. The sun was setting low and was just on the horizon. I pressed the button and realised that I had capture three people and their dog passing through the picture. The result was pleasing with the line up of the men and the sun outlining the shaggy coat of the dog. The rays of the sun were captured too. The atmosphere of the shot provides a permanent reminder of all the pictures that I have taken on Normandy Hill.

Normandy hill, Houlton, Rugby, July, 2023.
The last rays of summer sun on Normandy Hill.

Our family summer holiday was at Lowfield House in Little Langdale. Arguably, this spot is the heart of the Lake District and is the starting point for several walks. A place I wished to visit was Cathedral Cave, which is a short 45 minute walk from Lowfield House. Cathedral Cave is an impressive chamber. As a former slate quary, the cave is atmospheric with an open window in the wall allowing light into the cavern. There is a large slate cylinder that appears to be supporting the ceiling. There is a pool of water to the back of the cave which provided many reflections allowing one to appreciate the grand space of the cavern. Needless to say, I, like many photographers who visit this place, just wanted to take lots of pictures. The picture of Jim, my son-in-law, at the mouth of the cave proved to be a popular post on Instagram. Taken with the iPhone13.

Cathedral Cave, Little Langdale, the Lake District, August 2023
Jim standing at the entrance to Cathedral Cave. The surface water provided suitable reflections.

I spent a delightful Sunday afternoon wandering around Digbeth, Birmingham and came across @mr_h0spitalflip and his friends on the side steps of the Custard Factory. They kindly let me sit in and take a few pictures whilst they were skateboarding on the steps. I knew this was the best picture as soon as I viewed the result on the back of the camera. I was not using a burst on the shutter. Just one picture and I caught the skateboarder in the light doing the “Custard flip”. Taken with the Fujifilm X100v, ƒ/5.6, s 1/500, ISO 640.

Digbeth, Birmingham, October, 2023
The Custard flip

I also found my Top nine from Instagram and these show my most popular posts by the number of likes. The two UKLPOTY pictures feature heavily. There is a picture of Sandy and me. I was also pleased to see the blossom in Oozells square and my trip to the States feature in the high scores. All good fun!

My top 9 instagram posts in 2023.
My Top 9 Instagram posts in 2023.

Links to my Top 4 photographs of 2023. I realise that I do not have a blog about Normandy Hill and I shall write one up in 2024. I have also included my Top 4 ion 2022 for comparison.

Sunrise in Kardamena, Greece, July 2022

Several mornings during July, I ran into Kardamena from where I was staying.  My hotel, Acti Beach, is around 2 miles away from Kardamena.  Getting up early and watching the sunrise develop during the Golden Hour is an unforgettable experience.  Two years ago I was here in August and the sun rose over the sea. In July, the sun rises behind the mountains. Therefore I saw the sun start to rise by the golden colours appearing on the white buildings of the town as I ran towards Kardamena.

Sunrise in Kardamena, Greece, July 2022
The rising sun creating shadows on the walls of the whitewashed buildings.
Sunrise in Kardamena, Greece, July 2022
The sun appears from behind the mountains.

I run with my iPhone13 and I was able to stop for a few minutes and capture the golden rays. The fun is getting back to the hotel and seeing what the results are like.  These pictures were taken on different mornings and when posted on my social media, they received a positive response.  I certainly want to get back to Kos in the future and experience more sunrises on this beautiful island. This is the last of my Kos Island sequence and hope you enjoyed them.

Sunrise in Kardamena, Greece, July 2022
Sunrise on the sun loungers at Malibu Beach
Sunrise in Kardamena, Greece, July 2022
A view of the sunrise from a jetty at Kardamena.
Sunrise in Kardamena, Greece, July 2022
Sunrise in the harbour with golden rays on the Pirate ship.
Sunrise in Kardamena, Greece, July 2022
The day begins.

Here are my links to Kardamena and Kos

I love Kardamena 2022

Reach for the sky

Back in 2020 when I first visited Kardamena

And where it all started with my daughter’s wedding on the beach in Kos

Coombe Abbey Lake

Coombe Abbey Country Park is to the east of Coventry and both the gardens and lake featuring designs by Capability Brown make this a must visit attraction. Even though this is on my doorstep, it is nearly 10 years since I lasted visited on the occasion of a wedding. The family decided this was the place to visit on a Saturday afternoon in December. I got my camera gear ready. I am now well practised at taking photographs under family pressure. Those lovely views by the lakes are only available for a few minutes as I am asked to hurry up and stay in touch with the family walk. In some ways that makes it fun as you have to get your settings right and take the picture quickly.

View of Coombe Abbey
View of Coombe Abbey from the top pool bridge

The park is picturesque and lends itself to photographs. The downside is that even on a late Sunday afternoon, there is a lot of people around. Making sure that they do not feature in the photographs is difficult as well. My tips are to look for different views of the well known pictures that are taken. Coombe Abbey Country Park is photographed so often that it is difficult to find that different view.

The endless lake of Coombe Abbey Country Park
The endless lake of Coombe Abbey Country Park
Paths through the woods
Paths through the woods

One tip is the timing. The family decided to visit after 2pm on a December afternoon. The weather was good and the sun was starting to come out. The Golden Hour beckoned. There were some delays along the way when we got there. The birds had to be fed by the grandchildren and other small holdups, such as splashing in every puddle that we saw, made the walk slow. In many ways that was an advantage as it gave an opportunity to take a few more pictures.

The Grandchildren posing for a picture
Entertaining the Grandchildren
Places to run
Places to run
Puddles to splash in
Puddles to splash in
Buildings to see at Coombe Abbey
Buildings to see at Coombe Abbey
Two swans in the top pool
Two swans in the top pool

Finally on the way back the sun started to set very low and it lit up the classic view of the Coombe Abbey Hotel from the footbridge that separates the main lake, Coombe Pool, and the smaller Top Pool. There is a lot more to see and when Covid-19 restrictions are finished then there will be a return visit to the park. Meanwhile enjoy the pictures!

Sunset at Coombe Abbey
Sunset at Coombe Abbey

Do you want to know more about Coombe Abbey Country Park? Then visit the Coventry City Council website which will get you started
Coombe Abbey Country Park

There is also the City of Coventry nearby if you want to make a weekend of a visit to the area with your camera
Send me to the City of Coventry

University of Birmingham Sunset on campus

These are surreal days on the University Campus as a term is in full swing but many of the students are sitting in their halls of residence. I work on a Tuesday and Thursday based at the Dental School and have only ventured onto campus once or twice. I took a hunch that it was going to be a nice sunset. You never know if it will or not but the clouds were lingering and at about 5pm I drove up to the campus. My swipe card did not let me on the campus but it is now so quiet that I found a space near the main ornamental gates at the North entrance.

Autumn on Campus
Autumn on Campus
Old Joe in Golden Hour
Old Joe in Golden Hour

I saw that the clouds were still around and the sun was low. Campus was quiet. A few pictures on the way down to the Aston Webb building and taking in some nice pictures of Old Joe. I then positioned myself on the steps by the University Crests and waited for the sun to go down. I was not disappointed as the colours of pink came out in the clouds. I go for symmetry and I enjoyed the pictures that I obtained with Old Joe framed by red clouds.

Sunset and red clouds around Old Joe
Sunset and red clouds around Old Joe

After nearly half an hour the clouds darkened and I made my way back to the car. As I looked back through the gates, I saw that the clock face was illuminated pink for breast cancer month. I caught my final picture through the gates looking back at Old Joe.

Old Joe framed by the North Gates
Old Joe framed by the North Gates