For the most part of the year, Oozells square in Birmingham is unremarkable. The square is surrounded by office buildings on 3 sides and the IKON art gallery on another. This latter building is a grand Victorian building which was formerly a boarding school. There are several good restaurants in the square which have hosted family meals in the past. In spring, the square is transformed into a beautiful place by several rows of trees that burst into cherry blossom.

The event is becoming more and more famous having been featured this year on the BBC News. We went with the family to see the blossom and get the obligatory pictures. Here Noah is reaching upwards mesmerised by the blossom. Soon the green leaves will appear. Noah’s coat contrasts well with the pink.

The event is enjoyed by all ages but as you see from the pictures, my grandchildren had a fantastic time seeing the cherry blossom. The BBC News item has made the blossom event famous at a National Level.

Birmingham cherry blossoms draw spectators and photographers – BBC News March 2023
Here are some of my past entries on Oozell’s Square.
Birmingham Blossom
Blossom in Oozells’ Square
Birmingham Gems (3rd Edition)